Mexican Mac n Cheese

Mexican Style

Anyone who knows the Frees, knows that we have a serious love for Mexican flavors. So when we are given Mac n Cheese to experiment with, we are going to put some kind of Mexican twist on it.  


1 box Good Citizens Whole Wheat Mac n Cheese

1 lb Ground Chicken

Taco Seasoning (seasoned to taste)

Rizo Bros Grated Spicy Cotija (as much as you want)

Any toppings you want – we used black olives, avocados, pickled onions, Chipotle sour cream, Pice de Gallo, & tortilla strips.


1. Make Mac n Cheese according to box instructions. Brown your ground chicken then simple add about 2/3 water & your taco seasoning. 

2. Simply mix the two together & top with your choice of toppings. For Chipotle sour cream, we simply mixed a 1/4 cup of sour cream with a two tablespoons of can Chipotle. 

3. Enjoy!

Good Citizens & Rizo Bros

We were recently given the opportunity to work with two food companies: Good Citizens & Rizo Bros. Very blessed for this opportunity.

Good Citizens is food company that is organic, non-GMO, and locally sourced. They now offer their Mac n Cheese selection in places such as Whole Foods, Amazon, & many more. 

Rizo Bros CA Creamery Quesos is a family owned company with a selection of quesos you can find at Whole Foods. They only use locally sourced premium rBST-Free, 100% California pure cow milk for their quesos. 


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Todd Holder

    Phenomenal. Looking forward to making this at home!

    1. admin

      Good! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

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